merchant broker FRIENDSHIP 28 L BACK TO PREVIOUS PAGE print page new search Negotiated Reserved Agency rights not included MAIN DATA year built 1983 make - modelFRIENDSHIP 28 L (project Rippers & Kopmans) type SAIL - used size lenght 9,10 m. (29,86 ft.), width 2,80 hull material GRP flag Italiana draft 1,5 on view in Alto Adriatico NAVIS.IT code89187 (viewed 223 times) BOAT DETAILS EQUIPMENTS COMMENTS ENGINES engines number 1 fuel diesel power 28 hp make Volvo Penta Mod. 2003 engine hour - consumption - TANKS fuel capacity 45 litres water container EMERGENCY EQUIPMENTS approval within 12 miles (Senza marchio CE (prima del 17/6/1998)) RINA expiration emergency equipments non presenti INTERIORS people capacity 8 cabin(s) 1 bed(s) 5 bathroom(s) 1 interiors description Cabina doppia a prua, cuccetta di poppa, dinette trasformabile in due posti letto SAIL EQUIPMENT mainsail prow sail sail description Armo : SLOOP genoa avvolgibile, randa, spi con attrezzatura kitchen, fridge, autoclave plancetta poppa, scaletta bagno, pompa sentina el, + man., - Ancora + catena - lampade interne ed esterne a LED - cuscineria interna recente - coperture recenti TECHNICAL EQUIPMENTS: echo sounder, spray_hood, bimini, autopilot, 2 batteries, battery charger VHF con cavo e antenna del 2019 data are considered correct but not guaranteed. this document is not, in any case, a contractual document. neue suche: search other used boats search new boats PERSONALIZED DEMANDS IF YOUR SEARCH WAS NAVIS.IT UNSUCCESSFUL, YOU CAN CONTACT ALL THE BROKERS AND THEY WILL GET BACK TO YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. MERCHANT ( broker) BEST AGENZIA NAUTICA Piazzetta dell' Imbarcadero 20/a 33053 Latisana / Aprilia Marittima (UD) +39 0431 53700 | +39 338 9444459 web site | other proposals of this operator INFO REQUEST Fill in this form with your personal data to send via e-mail to the boat's owner FRIENDSHIP 28 L available characters I have read and accept the PRIVACY POLICY SEND REQUEST TO THE FOLLOWING BRANCH: Latisana / Aprilia Marittima (UD) Porto S. Margherita (VE)